Search Engine Primer

If you have a website, or are planning on getting one, you’ll quickly figure out that search engines will either be a good friend or your worst enemy!

If you can get your site listed well (meaning your site comes up on the first page or so for popular keywords) you can expect to get a lot of visitors to your site.

What’s more important is that they will be targeted, and highly motivated to read what you have to offer!

If your site can’t be found on the first page or two of the results for decent keywords, your site will start to feel like a virtual ghost town!

Anyone wishing to earn some money online will hope to get their site listed well. Granted, search engines are not the only way to get traffic to your website, but you shouldn’t ignore them because they are such a valuable and inexpensive source of traffic.

The problem is that those search engine optimization (SEO) companies want you to believe that it is impossible for the average human to get their website listed well. You can’t blame them for this, though, because they have to eat too!

The truth is that with a little guidance and the ability to follow step-by-step instructions, even average humans like us can get top rankings.


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